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Lee Walden Garrard

"I wish there was some interesting story to tell..." says Lee


 There are no awards or fellowships or grants to talk about. There are not even any art classes to make reference to.  Lee never went abroad to study and he never sat on a hill in Tuscany and drew or painted a landscape. But he did grow up with a pencil in his hand. Of all the senses, the visual is the one he reacts to the most. Sometime during his early childhood he began using that pencil to express his interpretation of the visual.


"People, the joy of the body and the celebration of the region are what I most identify with. I love the way light reflects off of the human body and I love the heat and sensuality of the South. The people have a lush sense of beauty and dignity about them. Their skin, movement, and body language reflect the warmth of the environment. The environment itself is a landscape of history, warmth and eccentricity."

"The humid diffusion of the back side of a field or the honest expression on a child's face  or the grace of the human body at work...  Stunning." To Lee, continuing the story of this region through expression of the visual is gratification at a supreme level.


​Lee Walden Garrard is a land planner with a passion and deep abiding respect for land and the people who inhabit it. He is also a member of The Charleston Artist Guild. A graduate of the University of Georgia's School of Environment and Design, he has designed many of the landscapes you see every day in the Low Country. Some of the environments he has created or helped to create include (but are not limited to) The Sanctuary at Kiawah, Daniel Island, Parks, Streetscapes and Residences. He is a partner and owner of MedicineWheel Land Planning, a local design studio that practices Environmental Master Planning, and Urban Design.



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